Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Lyrics and Analysis

Lyrics and Analysis

"A Whole Child Ago"

I don't want to let you know your hearts an attraction

But I know what you're looking for

It's me you're waiting for

You're not allowed to live anymore

And a whole child ago I would sleep all day

Doing handstands in bottle bins

To prove that I'm sane

And I'm not fooling around

Looks like we made it

I can tell that she'd been flying

Looks like we made it tonight

I'm the second devil on your right or left with an eyeball

Melting out the corner of my mouth

The wings are bleeding

You're not supposed to fly anymore

And a whole child ago I would sleep all day

Doing handstands in bottle bins

To prove that I'm sane

And I'm not fooling around

Looks like we made it

I can tell that she'd been flying

Looks like we made it tonight

Looks like we made it

I can tell that she'd been flying

I saw her in the sky

Why don't you just ask her yourself

Why don't you just ask her yourself

Why don't you just ask her yourself

Why don't you just ask her yourself

Why don't you just ask her yourself

Why don't you just ask her yourself.

The lyrics for ‘a whole child ago’ can be interpreted in a few ways. Firstly lots of the lyrics reflect the idea that the song is a love story. This could be included in the acting part of the video. It could be genuine love, or twisted love. In addition, there is a theme of the character going crazy, this could be included with use of camera angles and lighting. Close up shots and flashing lights are good techniques to show a character going crazy. There are also elements of evil in the song, the lyric, ‘I’m the second devil on your right, or left with an eyeball.’ There’s also element of the character being trapped and trying to break free. This could link to the love ideas as well. The love appears to be resolved nearer to the end, but there’s also a feeling of insecurity and lack of confidence in the lyrics, ‘why don’t you just ask her yourself.’ This could be linked to the ideas of him being crazy because he can’t find this love with the girl who leads to him doing things to be noticed. A story line of love, madness and insecurity could be sculptured from the lyrics.

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